You know, RoadRage likes to have some fun on this blog, complaining about the lack of Ding Dongs east of the Mississippi, the overabundance of vanilla ice cream varieties in stores and people blaming McDonald's for making their kids fat slobs.
But today, RoadRage is truly outraged, and it's not only because the Cubs hired Mike Quade as their next manager instead of Ryne Sandberg.
What I'm angry about is this scumbag pictured to your left, Reverend Fred Phelps. Phelps is the piece of garbage you have heard about who is leading protests at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. His followers hold signs that say hateful comments like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers," and even young kids hold signs that say things like "God Blew Up the Shuttle."
He and his followers are doing this because he says the military and U.S. are too tolerant of homosexuality and he says God is punishing us by killing our soldiers. Apparently, God has decided to share his thoughts on homosexuality with bigots and complete morons.
Right now, the Supreme Court is determining the legal right of Phelps (or anyone else) to hold these protests at another person's funeral.
As an American, I'm all for Freedom of Speech, but this form of "speech" should not be protected, and any lawyer worth his salt should be able to prove this in front of the nation's highest court.
The first defense, and easiest to support, is the fact that this type of speech should be considered a hate crime. With protesters holding signs that say "God Hates Fag Enablers" it is clear that these imbeciles are committing a hate crime, so they should be rounded up and thrown in jail.
Secondly, while protesters have Freedom of Speech, the families of dead soldiers also have their freedoms, including their Freedom of Expression. So, what's to stop the father of a fallen soldier from expressing himself by beating the ever-living crap out of anyone who protests at his child's funeral? I guess he could be charged with assault and battery for causing injury...but shouldn't the protester also be charged for causing injury for the mental anguish they are causing the military families?
Couldn't a lawyer easily demonstrate that psychological pain and suffering lasts longer than the physical pain caused by a good, well-deserved thrashing by calling in medical experts to testify? And, therefore, wouldn't these protesters be committing a crime for the mental anguish they are causing?
It seems pretty straight forward to me, and I hope that the Supreme Court does the right thing by stopping these disgusting activities. To me, these people are clearly committing illegal activities by infringing on the rights of other Americans. But, if the court doesn't agree with those legalities, I would hope they could put an end to this out of common decency.
These men and women are putting their lives on the line every day to protect our liberties -- including the Freedom of Speech. If they pay the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives, they not only deserve to be laid to rest in peace they have also earned that right, as have the members of their families.
If the Supreme Court doesn't act, RoadRage may have to start his own cult that protests at the funerals of family members of Fred Phelps and his followers to give them a taste of their own medicine.
Reverened Phelps, you suck, and I hope you enjoy your wing in hell.
1 comment:
Right on, RoadRage! This assclown and his gaggle of followers are the worst form of "humanity." What I would love to see is the fire department, at least some of whose members are surely veterans, bring out a truck and decide to test their pumps and hoses in the direction of these idiots. Or upstanding citizens filling bags of piss and throwing them at these protesters like water balloons at a summer picnic.
A fallen soldier's funeral is not the place for this type of demonstration. If they really want to make a point, start marching at the Gay Pride parade and see what that gets them. Not all gays are mincing Nancy boys with feather boas.
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