Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Doing My Job -- Voting for Forest Preserve Funding!

Since I am a resident of Illinois, and voters in the state have apparently turned out in record numbers, my vote today was basically rendered useless.

Barack Obama won the state, as expected, and one of my political heroes, Dick Durbin, easily won back his Senate seat.

Both of these races were landslides, so if I didn't vote, it wouldn't have mattered. So, basically, the only thing it was important for me to vote on today was to provide funding to preserve more forest space in Lake County.

Boy, am I glad I did my duty today and voted. Because of me, chipmunks, squirrels, raccoons and deer might have more space to call home. Phew ... that was a close one. If I didn't vote today all hell would have broken loose.

Why can't I be in an important state, like Ohio or Florida, so my vote actually makes a difference? Oh well...nothing really sucks here, I'm just complaining because I have the right to, since I voted today.

Now, I'm going to go watch the results to see who dethrones President Bush.



Hong Kong said...

Good Job!!! Wouldn't want hell to break loose!!
Does our vote ever count?

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