Of course, seeing your own children performing is enjoyable, but having to put up with everything else that goes on at a school-organized music recital is like living through hell on earth.
Aside from watching your one or two kids perform, you have to put up with about 300 other kids -- most of which who don't want to be there and just look miserable. My son took the easy way out last night, faking illness so he didn't have to go on stage. I feigned anger, but in reality, that let me leave an hour earlier, so I was proud of the boy.
And, I can put up with the kids who don't want to be there, but what is really gut-wrenching at these events is having to sit through watching a music teacher who enjoys taking the limelight away from the children.
Here's the set up: Each class has a handful of kids read a silly rhyme in front of the parents to introduce the upcoming song. But, instead of letting the kids do the honors, sometimes the music teacher takes the mic and starts doing the lines herself -- babbling about like a six-year-old.
When the kids say the lines, even though it's inane text, at least they can make it cute. But, when a 50+ woman does it and talks like a kid it makes you wish it was the Gong Show, so that you can hit the gong and end the program right there. But, with no gongs to be had, your stuck there, listening and watching something that totally sucks.
Well, at least there's one good thing. With the lack of funding our schools have, at least I only have to put up with it once a year.
This story reminds me of a school board meeting I attended. The librarian was there to accept a donation to the library and to receive some sort of award. After she accepted her honors, she proceeded to read us a children's story with all the drama she had used when she read it to the kids at our "Good night Sleep tight" event. It was an uncomfortable and annoying situation for all. At the next board meeting, I had prepared a statement to read. We are allowed two minutes and I was not sure if I would finish in time, so I asked if they could extend the time by a minute if I ran over. They said the time is for two minutes and then I said, "I sat through that story at the last meeting and you can't give me an extra minute?" They could sympathize with me because they all looked as if they were going to shoot themselves at the previous meeting.
That's exactly what happened at my little Baby's, it was ruined by her!!(The teacher)
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