Case in point: Tonight, I'm at home watching my two beautiful daughters, and I'm flipping around the channels to see what's on TV, since the Cubs can't keep my attention these days.
So, I turned to the National Geographic Channel, which had a special on about three different people who claim to be the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
Now, I'm no Theologian, but something tells me if Jesus Christ came back to earth, he wouldn't be uttering comments like, "I'm pissed off." That just doesn't seem Christ-like to me. I'm guessing that he would be more theatrical, and pull a Howard Beale on us by yelling out, "I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore." But, again, I'm no Theologian, so what do I know.
At least the foul-mouthed guy claiming he was Christ was actually poor, and seemed to live in a tented village.
The third would-be Second Coming of Christ is the one that really "pissed me off," to take a quote from, uh, "Jesus."
This guy is a multi- multi-millionaire out of the Philippines, who claims to have a worldwide following of more than six million people. He tells his followers that he was possessed by, or turned into, Jesus on April 13, 2005.
I forget what his name is, but he does a weekly television show. Before going on air, he has his hair done, and applies make up to make sure he looks all prim and proper...much like I guess the Messiah did before he took the five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5,000 people.
I really can't stand people like this who prey on the morons that are all too numerous in this world and will follow anything that moves, but it may be the followers who make me even angrier. Why can't they figure out that if this douche was the Second Coming, that he wouldn't be telling them to give him their money, and he wouldn't live in a mansion.
You know, earlier this week a statue of Jesus in Ohio was destroyed when it was struck by lightning. Why couldn't it have been this asshole instead? I know, not a real Christian attitude, but I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.
1 comment:
Man, I sure hope you are right about this dude not being Jesus. I know it's not in that Bibley book, from what I hear, but I think calling the King of Kings a douche doesn't exactly get you to the front of the line come check-out time.
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