I have a problem with MLB and their coverage of the play-offs--aside from the Cubs not being able to field or hit or pitch (3 essentials in the playoffs), and the fact that I can't have my hometown T.V. crew to do the games.
My smashed 1/4''-pound beef is with the advertising. Not only are the same 6 commercials aired in heavy rotation, but some are inappropriate.
Let me explain. Mum-ra sat down with the little ra's in hopes of good playoff baseball--in fact my oldest ra plays baseball and really gets into the games. Then it happens -- commercials about what to take if you piss too much; What do if you have a 4-hour boner...and others that are not to kid friendly.
They run the DirectTV ads about blocking inappropriate shows -- "sorry I have to block you," but they don't get the message.
MLB has enough problems with drugs and how it could affect the game and our kids. While I know that in my day Carlton Fisk only "needed a pinch between his cheek and gums," it didn't make me take up chewing, but when you are trying to gain back some respect and attract younger viewers, dropping those ads would help. Not to mention that if the the target audience has these problems I don't think they are watching the game anyway.
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