Saturday, October 25, 2008

Trick or Treat ... or Stick 'em Up?

Halloween is upon us, giving RoadRage the opportunity to give out candy to a bunch of cute little kids dressed as lady bugs, Snow White and Spider-Man.

Then there are the others -- the older group of "kids" who don't have enough common sense to stop trick or treating when they are still actually children. They come to your door and you don't know whether you should give them a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, or your wallet.

Besides the fact that they are too old to be going door-to-door for free candy, they totally lack creativity. For the most part they just come to your house, and they don't even say "trick or treat" -- they just stick their bag out and await the free candy.

If they're going to try to act like kids, can't they at least get a little creative? I mean, even throwing on a Groucho Marx nose and glasses or even drawing a lightning bolt on their head to pretend to be Harry Potter would be something. Instead, you get 17-year-olds who come to your house in a t-shirt, and a jacket if it's cold out. I guess they can say they're going as lazy ass, uncreative derelicts.

So, RoadRage is proposing a new rule ... nobody over the age of 14 is allowed to trick or treat any more -- and if you get someone older coming to your house, turn the tables a bit and egg them.



Ty Cobb said...

Best be careful with this one. You apparently never saw the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry David decides not to give candy to a couple of teenage girls with no costumes. Big mistake!

Unknown said...

that's a terrible rule, scrooge.