Ol' Ty isn't the happiest of fellows on the best of days, but today I am really pissed. I have found the absolute worst example of alleged customer service -- the people at Go Daddy, the domain name supplier.
About a week ago, the e-mail account that is tied to my personal laptop's Outlook ceased working. No apparent reason, it just stopped sending and receiving. I thought it would come back within 24 hours, but when it didn't I decided to contact Go Daddy technical support to ask them to check on it. The e-mail account goes through Go Daddy's server since that's who administers the domain I'm using with it.
After explaining the problem -- no e-mail access -- the response I got was unbelievable. Basically, some mope on the other end cut and pasted some instructions out of their FAQs on how to set up an e-mail account and essentially wished me good luck. Unreal! The account has been set up and working for two freakin' years! Now it's not. It has nothing to do with how it's set up on my end. I know, because I checked, and everything is the way they said it should be.
So I wrote back and told them (in so many words) "Listen morons! My side is fine. I want you to check your servers and settings to see if they are ok." They responded that they don't support "third party applications" and thus can provide no further assistance. WTF? I already told you my "third party application" is fine but your something on your end looks like it's messed up.
To top it all off, they also said the e-mail relay should be set up like so, and I should check it by logging in to my account. Only when I tried to log in last night I kept getting a message that Internet Explorer couldn't find the site. IE would take me everywhere else, just not into my account. It also wouldn't let me create a new account, so again I'd say their servers were the problem. When I responded with that, much angrier now, they told me it could be a problem with IE and I should try Firefox. Again, with a cut and pasted answer.
I am thoroughly fed up with them, and will begin my search for a new domain name supplier posthaste. I am no IT expert, but it seems to me that a little effort on their part would've gone a long way. Couldn't they have at least done what I asked and checked the settings? Not to mention offer some suggestions on what to do if it isn't a problem with the basic set up?
Quite frankly, I feel like I would've had better luck if the technical support department at Go Daddy was stocked entirely with monkeys. Go Daddy tech support, you really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really suck.
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