The good people at Go Daddy customer service must be readers of People Suck. Because right after I put up my previous post about them, suddenly they got all helpful. Maybe it's just coincidence, but I like to think it's power to the people.
In any case, I finally received a non-generic response with a few suggestions that helped me isolate the problem. (It was on my side, and was solved by rebooting my wireless router and cable modem a couple of times. Comcast, you suck.)
But I still stand by my original premise. Had they done that to begin with, I would never have had to invoke the power of People Suck to get the problem fixed. Instead, they tried to foist off set-up instructions as "help." What they really should've done is suggest I try the computer in a different location or on a different network to see if it was the computer, my connection, or Go Daddy.
So thanks for the help -- finally. You don't suck as much as I thought originally. But watch it. And oh yeah. Kudos to me on the graphic of the week.
I agree with the kudos. That pic is top drawer!
To roadrage: What a surprise!!
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