Ok, now I'm pissed. The financial crisis is bad, but I've been hanging in there. People suck at driving but I've been living with it. But today was the last straw.
When the hell are the Bears going to get rid of their lame defensive coordinator and get someone in there who knows how freakin' stop somebody? The end of today's game was bad enough. But if you were watching throughout the game, you saw the kind of performance that led to what happened at the end.
This is not Bear football. It's not football at all. The team continues to let rookie and inexperienced quarterbacks march up and down the field like they're Brett friggin' Favre. Their back are consistently five yards off the receivers at all times, allowing eight and 10 yard gains at a time. If Atlanta was any better at putting the ball in the end zone there wouldn't have been any last-minute histrionics because the game wouldn't have been close at the end. I don't think they took the Falcons three out and even once.
For cryin' out loud! Get rid of the coordinator who shall not be named and everybody who thinks like him. Get a guy who has a pair already and let's start stopping somebody BEFORE they're in the shadow of the damn end zone.
I know what you mean Ty. I was watching the game, and it looked like the Falcons were doing poorly on first and second down, just because they knew they would complete a long pass everytime they had third and long. Pathetic.
I actually just saw the end of the game -- I hadn't realized the Bears grabbed the lead with just 11seconds -- that's a worse choke job than what the Cubs did in the playoffs this year. Where's Alcoa when you need to report a Fantastic Finish? They can't wait for tomorrow ... Alcoa Can't Wait!
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