Tuesday, July 8, 2008

#8 Suckiest Person -- John Wayne Gacy

This list could have been filled with mass murderers like Jeffrey Dahmer, David Berkowitz or Richard Speck, but John Wayne Gacy out-sucked them all, so I chose him to represent all of these scumbags.

Gacy killed 33 young boys and men from 1972 to 1978, and he did it right outside Des Plaines, IL, where I lived from 1973 to 1978. This sick bastard was a pedophile, and entertained children as a clown. Then after he was jailed he started painting, and some sick losers (many of them musicians who conversed with him while he was on death row) were interested in buying his work. Many of his paintings were sold, but one decent person took a stand and bought a lot of 25 paintings at auction just to destroy them.

Gacy was put to death on May 10, 1994 -- 16 years too late. Scumbags like this should be put to death immediately, so that taxpayers don't have to pay for them to eat, their shelter or to support extracurricular activities like painting.



Mum-Ra said...

I'm not quite sure if it happened in his case,but I hate when they are put on suicide watch.I say give them their choice a gun or a rope or maybe a bar be creative.Just come back a little later to clean-up.

Ty Cobb said...

Or use them for medical experiments so their existence wasn't a total blight on society.

Judge Smails said...

Face it, Rage. You're just pissed off that he never hit on you.