This isn't the first time this has happened to me, of course. It seems like it happens every day, and then when I get by them I catch a freight train.
How is it that 30-year-old women can drive, use their cell phone, eat and put on eyeliner all at the same time, and still go the speed limit and middle-aged man can't do two things at once?
That's why I'm calling for RoadRage's New Rule: Nobody Over 60 Can Drive and Use a Cell Phone at the Same Time! They're a menace to society, and a menace to me getting anywhere on time. They suck!
From now on, RoadRage law requires 60+ old people to pull over to the side of the road when they have to make a phone call, buy a bluetooth (your kids can show you how it works), or install a rotary phone on the dash, since you're probably more used to using that.
Go to hell!
that age limit definitely needs to be lowered. I say 50.
I think talking and using the cell phone at the same time should be part of the standard driver's test. The situation you describe isn't limited to older men. Women, foreigners, Mercedes owners and more seem to have this problem.
While we're at it, let's institute mandatory prison sentences for anyone going 5 mph under the speed limit or slower in the left hand lane of a four-lane road. If you want to putt along, get in the right hand lane. Better yet, get someone else to drive you.
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