No, I'm not talking about his recent New York Times editorial, where he insists the economy isn't all that bad. I'm talking about his suggestion that John McCain gussy up his campaign with a little help from... Karl Rove.
Dude, go for it. Go for the guy who led the whisper campaigns against you in the 2000 primaries, where voters were asked if they would vote for you if they knew you fathered a black child, or if they would feel confident with someone's mentality after being held in a tiger cage for years. Go for the guy who outed a U.S. spy, which is tantamount to treason and punishable buy death. Go for the guy who orchestrated the lies that got us into the shit-storm in Iraq. Go for the guy who was Bush's brain--he burned the other one on coke.
Ben, are you drunk, or just stupid?Did you really think this one out before speaking? I know that most Americans are morons, but I would think that with the way the economy has gone and all the hell this administration has put our country in, proposing its poster child for a third term is probably about as sensible as dipping your nuts in tuna oil and dangling them over the seal tank at the zoo.
Then again, Ben, I can understand why you would say such iodiotic things. You were, after all, one of Nixon's speech writers.
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