My least favorite thing ... hearing other people eat. I learned early on in my life that you should close your mouth while chewing, but that lesson just hasn't caught on with some people.
Why is it so hard for these slobs to close their mouths while they eat? If they are coordinated enough to open their cake holes and get the food in there, is it too much to ask that they close their traps after completing this complicated task? I don't know what makes me more upset ... the annoying noises, or the fact that these people are so oblivious to the people around them that they don't realize they are bothering everyone.
I can understand when my young daughter eats with her mouth open, and it didn't upset me when my elderly grandparents did it before they passed away, but if you are between the ages of eight and 72, there's no excuse for you.
So, next time your chomping down on some Reese's Pieces or trail mix, do the right thing and either close your yap, or go to the bathroom, turn on the fan, and chew your cud to your heart's content, you stinkin' cow!
1 comment:
The cow says, "Mooooo."
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