According to Rove, he was in Europe on a trip he had planned well before he was called to testify.
Rove, thumbing his nose at Congress, indicated before this vacation that he would not testify under oath because he has executive privilege, but he did indicate that, much like his former boss, he would be happy to meet with the committee. This led to much ballyhooing on the Hill last week, with blood really boiling Thursday—well, kind of sort of.
In an open meeting with the public the morning of July 10, Congressman Rich Hare (D-IL) was questioned by a person in the audience how Congress would respond if Rove failed to show for his testimony, asking if Congress would swear out a warrant for his arrest. Hare, not saying specifically if that would happen, still fired a shot across the bouw, saying sternly, “If I were him, I’d show up.”
Now is the time for this Congress to grow a pair and not back down. Karl Rove, just like his boss or any of his hench(wom)en are not in any way above the law. If you or I were called to testify, knowing that if we didn’t we would be in contempt and face jail time, methinks we would make the effort to be there 30 minutes ahead of time to answer any preliminary questions and hand out our diaries from the past 20 years.
Smails will come right out and say it: Rove is a dick. He is perhaps one of the slimiest people to ever walk the Earth and has done nothing more than practice his bullying tactics to get the Bush Administration, as well as Republican administrations of the past, elected and then to push forth its party lines with propaganda: The U.S. Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, pushing for a vote to give Bush the authorization to use military force with Iraq in an election season and then spinning around and saying Congress pushed Bush, raising the terror threat level during the 2004 elections when Kerry would make a move against Bush… that list goes on.
What about prior to him getting a cushy seat with the Bush administration? How about the whisper campaigns he ran in swing states against John McCain during the 2000 primaries (“Would you vote for McCain if you knew he fathered a black child?”) and the full-page ad in Max Cleland’s home state, putting a picture of Cleland—a triple-amputee Vietnam vet—next to one of Bin Laden because he would not support sending the troops to Iraq, saying there wasn’t clear enough evidence? Cleland was not re-elected because of this.
Then we have the Valeri Plame case. Outing her to the press because her husband made your boss look bad by proving he lied about yellow cake being sought by Iraq from Africa is treason, which is punishable by death.
Click here just in case you want to read in detail a little more about this ass and his service to the right.
Congress, you need to take a stand with this prick and show this country and the rest of the world that we no longer stand for playground bullies. Make similar cases to those he has made against you and your constituents when you didn’t follow along with his lies and betrayals. Sure, the FOXies (his current employer) of the world will try to make him a pariah, but keep in mind that his shtick has worn down with the U.S. public.
And when you subpoena him, drag the testimony out until Bush leaves office, so there is no way this son of a bitch gets a free walk from his snow blowing former boss.
Hm? Hm? Alright!
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