Caught talking about presidential candidate Barack Obama, when he thought he was off mic, the good Reverend, Jesse Jackson, said that he would like to cut Obama's nuts off. I haven't heard anything so disgusting come out of a Reverend's mouth since one called New York Hymietown in 1984...oh wait, that was Jackson again.
Apparently, Jackson was upset about Barack's position on faith-based initiatives, and syndicated talk show host Larry Elder has brought up some excellent points on why Jesse might be thinking about making it impossible for Barack to reproduce.
But, in actuality, there is no reason for a man in Rev. Jackson's position to say something like that. Barack has a good chance at becoming the first African-American president in U.S. history, meaning that he will be able to do more for black people than anyone before him, so Jesse should be throwing his full support behind him and going on the road to campaign for Barack.
But, as Elder eludes to in his commentary, Jesse, much like Rev. Sharpton, has worked his whole career using the race card to further his own personal agenda and that of his friends.
Elder talks about how Jesse and his colleagues attacked beer industry for a lack of African-American owned beer distributorships, which led to Jackson's sons receiving an Anheuser-Busch distributorship in Chicago.
Added to that, again like Sharpton, Jesse only takes on causes that are news makers, or ones that will further his career individually -- the others, he just ignores. You have heard very little from him about the victims of Katrina since the TV cameras have moved away from New Orleans. And, where has he been to speak out for the displaced African-Americans following the Midwest floods?
Jesse, put the scissors away, go out on the road and start campaigning for Barack. After this year's election, hang it up, so that the world doesn't have to deal with you.
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