These are the most vile, despicable people of all-time -- those whose mere presence on this world made life miserable for millions of other people.So, with no further ado, I give you #10:
Steve Garvey.

I know what you're thinking: How can a baseball player be on this list? But, if you're a Cub fan, there's no explanation necessary. On October 6, 1984, Steve Garvey broke the hearts of millions of Cubs fans across the country when he drove in five runs, and hit a two-run, walk-off home run to beat the Cubs and tie the best-of-five National League Championship Series. The next day, the Padres would beat the Cubs 6-3and the Cubs 39-year World Series drought would continue.
In the coming days, I'll reveal the rest of this list, which will include some of the most despicable people the world has ever known -- despots, dictators, mass murderers, traders, etc. -- but Steve Garvey is the only one to have a direct impact on my life, and it's therapeutic for me to include him on this list.
Plus, besides ruining my young baseball hopes, it turns out he's a scumbag in his personal life, having fathered children with two other women in addition to the children he fathered with his own wife. But, I shouldn't be too hard on the guy -- my guess is that he just wanted to bulk up the ranks of the Steve Garvey fan club. With his four children, I think it's now up to six people.
Steve Garvey, you suck!
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