Now, on top of all that, they have to listen to the liberal media assassins take out their vengeance on Sarah Palin because her daughter is having a child out of wedlock.
This has led the GOP to fight back, telling members of the media to focus on the issues at hand -- and not the personal lives' of the candidates. In fact, according to this report, McCain's campaign manager Rick Davis scolded reporters for reporting on Palin and her life.
Since when do Republicans take the moral high ground on this issue? Where were these cry babies when everyone was attacking President Clinton for his affair with Jennifer Flowers? Where were they when Gary Hart was having his affair with Ms. Rice? Oh, that's right ... they were on the other side of the fence, hurling stones at the Democratic candidates and calling in to question their morality and ability to lead the country.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want people attacking Sarah Palin and her family -- this shouldn't be an issue. I just get tired of the hypocrisy. Imagine the attacks Republicans would have on Barack Obama if he had a teenage daughter who got pregnant? Think they would say that it is not an issue then?
I'm glad Barack is taking the high road and not discussing this issue, that's the way it should be. I just hope that the Republicans remember their rhetoric when Obama is president and his fifteenth cousin, twice removed is caught in an illicit affair. I'm guessing that's when they'll start the impeachment proceedings.
Well, I'm off to watch Mike Huckabee.
Odds are they'd come down extra hard on Obama because of racial stereotyping. Hope his ignoring this stuff starts a positive trend in politics. Can you imagine -- a presidential race that is all about the issues?
When the issues do come around I know RoadRage's stomach will turn when the issue of abortion comes up. Obama does not take the high road on that one.
I may be wrong, but I think Obama is desperately trying to stay above the fray because he is scared that his history in Chicago and Illinois will come to light. What did Obama do to change the politics of Illinois??? He did nothing.
I do not like personal attacks in election cycles either.
I don't like big government either. We had a chance to elect a true statesman in Ron Paul; a man with a long record that truly reflects his rhetoric.
I was hoping Obama could live up to his vision of himself, but then I looked into his record in Illinois, I didn't like what I saw.
I don't know what I will do on November 4th, but I won't count on the media for information. Obama is no different than any other politician; as soon as he won the primary he moved to the center and voted to protect the telephone companies for illegally wiretapping U.S. citizens...Change we can believe in?
Visit www.senate.gov and do your own research on Obama and McCain, this election year is no different than any before.
It's quite obvious that the McCain camp is using this issue as a way to polarize their less-than-investigated VP candidate and to chastise and place all democrats under that scary "liberal" label. When I did a blog search on the topic, I found nothing deragatory written about the pregnant daughter, which leads me to believe this is yet another Bush tactic, where you use smoke and mirrors to make your candidate look better.
That shone like a beacon when Palin gave her acceptance speech. A speech cluttered with one-liners and pointed attacks, just like the speeches and tactics Bush used in 2000, when I compared his ways in speeches, debates and press conferences to be WWF tactics. He skirted the issues, pointed blame back at questioners, shot one-liners and quips, all of which this nation follows.
It's transparent and right there for you to see. It's so blatant, it hurts just a little bit to look at it. The absolute hypocrisy which we bring to the polling places has driven our nation down a dark and scary path, and it looks as though the bright lights and glitz may just continue us down that path and into the ditch.
The media is begging Obama to get mad. RoadRage, show him how! Seriously, I am severely depressed about how easy it is for the Karl Rove gang to tap into the worst in people and lead them by the nose.
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