Woot! Woot! Woot! The Palin Express has left the station and she'll be charging you by the mile. Considering she billed Alaska's taxpayers nearly $45,000 for good times spent with her husband and kids, so Heavens knows what she will bill the entire country. As long as it isn't a hummer from a chubby chick, we should be OK.
If any one of us were caught trying to expense personal matters to our companies, we would be fired. Hell, I've even seen it happen to someone I once worked with. But as long as you're somewhat attractive and have a sharp wit, by all means, be our vice presidential candidate. I mean, we're Americans, a people so caught up in our own worlds our hypocrisy far outweighs our reasoning and judgement skills. Haven't you paid any attention the last eight years? You slap a Republican stamp on someone and we will ride that "good man" and our country straight into the ground.
I've sentenced people like her to the gas chamber. I didn't want to. I felt I owed it to them.
Judge Elihu M. Smails
Ah, Dear Smails,
Did you finish reading the article?
Do you know how much Blago spends in travel here in our fine state of Illinois.
What's your point?
Oh... I see you prefer legal plunder.
And there is no way in Hey-diddly-heck I would want him as our vice president, let alone our governor.
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