As I was walking down Broadway in Times Square today, I was reminded of a group of people that really suck. Sometimes, they take the form of preachers in various churches, but usually it's either a bum on a street corner, or some nut with a microphone who somehow can afford a car that he can drive around in, so that everyone can hear the important message he has to spread.
That important message is invariably about the end of the world. Somehow, these clowns seem to know exactly when and how the world is going to come to an end -- and it always seems to be nigh.
What is the point of doing this? Is it to scare the living shit out of kids who don't understand that these people are whack jobs? Because, they don't seem to be having an impact on anyone else who is listening. And, let's say, by chance, that the people doing it today are the first people to be right -- that the world is going to end tomorrow. What satisfaction do they get? Are they going to walk around the afterlife telling everyone they told them so? That's something to shoot for.
This is a touchy subject for RoadRage, because when I was a kid I watched The Man Who Saw Tomorrow -- a movie about the prophecies of Nostradamus. In the movie they talked about all the prophecies that Nostradamus accurately made prior to the making of the movie -- then they said that Nostradamus had predicted worldwide famine in 1986 and that a catastrophic earthquake would occur in America in May 1988. The second prophecy was taken so seriously, that a number of schools across the country closed on May 10, 1988.
After seeing this movie, I was scared for weeks that these events would actually happen. Then, my mom told me about how when she was in grade school that the teachers actually had everyone preparing for the end of the world because someone was predicting the end of the world back then.
These people need to shut their cake holes and stop scaring children and the ignorant. Now, if the Cubs should happen to win the World Series this year, then maybe we should start heeding their warnings.
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