Chicago Mayor Richard Daley is making news today. He's personally my favorite mayor of all-time -- if I could move to Chicago for two months every four years to vote for him, I would. That being said, his latest mayoral move is just plain stupid.
Daley, an admitted White Sox fan, has asked bars near U.S. Cellular Field and Wrigley Field to stop serving beer after the seventh inning during possible playoff clinching games. So, the taverns that have served beer to Chicago Cubs and White Sox patrons for decades, should "voluntarily" shut-off the taps during what could be the biggest games in the city's history.
This would, theoretically, impact less than a half dozen nights, but shouldn't local bar owners be able to reap the benefits of being in business by actually doing what they're in business to do -- during their potentially pique hours of the year/decade/millennium?
Maybe Mayor Daley should ask Macy's to close the day after Thanksgiving from 5:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. to reduce the potential of stampedes by unruly mobs? Or how about asking all of the city's Hallmark stores to close for a week before Mother's Day, so that people don't get paper cuts on their tongues while licking envelopes?
It's just an asinine request. Daley says that it's common sense -- that when somebody's stumbling over drunk, they shouldn't be served. And, he's definitely right -- that's why there are laws already in place to stop bartenders from serving customers that are clearly intoxicated (i.e. stumbling over drunk, being verbally or physically abusive to others). If they serve them, the taverns are legally liable for accidents they cause, or injuries they inflict on other people.
So, why should bars and their patrons who know their limits be punished? The answer is, that they shouldn't. As a non-drinker, I understand that people want to celebrate this hopefully historical year for the Cubs, and I think they should be able to drink their beer of choice or other alcohol of choice, and not be forced to drink down swill like O'Douls.
In fact, if the Cubs do win this year, don't be surprised if RoadRage goes on one of his rare binges and is three sheets to the wind on Jaggermeister, singing "How Dry I am!" down Waveland Avenue with my dad and my buddies Fieldery, Smails and Mum-Ra.
Go Cubs!
Was 'pique hours' a play on words, RoadRage? Do I still have some Jaggemeister in the fridge? If I don't and the Cubbys win, I'll buy it for you!!
Asa beer baron and the son of a beer baron, I say we take this one day at a time.
This is the guy I love, right here!
Yeesh! What could da Mare be thinking? Those who want to get drunk will get drunk whether the bars are open or not.
He must've been drinking himself when he came up with this one.
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