From the word go, you could smell something, and the bruising from this will take a long time for this camp to heal.
1. While McCain was being lauded by the Jeff Greenfields of the world for doing something so maverick, it actually turns out that the trip to D.C. was discussed by both campaigns and that they were going to make a joint statement. Maverick that he is, McCain pressed on, proving that he is not a stand-up guy, but a backstabbing showboater.
2. Why do you suspend your campaign to handle one issue? As senator, did he cancel bills to concentrate on one hearing? As president, will he be able to handle the pressure of multiple crises? Why didn't he just go to Washington, not make an announcement that he was cancelling his campaign, get his photo ops with the other senators and then get out of town as the fly-in maverick?
3. Where is your vice presidential nominee? Why can't she pick it up on the campaign trail for you and handle all media inquiries? Right. Because she was busy trying to explain to Katie Couric last night what a conflict of interest is, when asked about Herbert Allison, former McCain finance advisor now running Fannie Mae, one of the companies my tax dollars and my kid's tax dollars will pay to bail out?
4. You should have known she was with Katie. Even if you didn't at the time, I'm sure Katie told you when you were doing your live in-studio interview, when you were supposed to be on Letterman. The same Letterman you called to cancel because you were on a flight to D.C. to save the country. What you didn't consider is that Letterman might be a bit angry and also works for the same network as Katie, so he was able to tap into your live interview during his show taping, when you were supposed to be there.
Johnny boy, you've got a real mess on your hands here. Going into tomorrow's debate on the heels of what could possibly outdo Gary Hart's picture, Michael Dukakis's shot in the tank wearing the helmet and Bush Sr.'s "Read my lips." The image that will play over and over again in commercials and in our minds is of you getting makeup put on you, when you were supposedly in a plane on your way to save our country. I'll leave out the parts about not letting your vice presidential candidate run things on your behalf.
The man is a menace!
Judge Elihu Smails
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