Remember a few years back, when the Republicans said that Al Gore claimed that he invented the Internet? Of course you do. That's all the GOP talked about through the whole campaign and ever since whenever Al Gore's name is brought up. Never mind the fact that Gore never made that claim.
Now, the shoe is on the Democratic foot, and all of a sudden this is a non-issue. Yet, in 2000, Gore was painted as an exaggerator who would say anything he had to in order to get elected. So, is that what McCain (or at least his uninformed supporters) is doing now? No, he's not ... and neither was Gore.
Again, I'm not GOP-bashing here, I'm just pointing out the fact that once again they are showing their hypocrisy. I mentioned it in my blog post on Sarah Palin, and they've done it again -- and this is just the latest and an ongoing trend, that started decades ago.
After FDR won four elections, the GOP successfully changed the rules, so that no one president could serve more than two terms (unless they replaced another president mid-term). Then when Reaganus Maximus became the most popular president ever, they tried to change the rules again, so that Ronnie could run again.
My guess is that this won't impact McCain's candidacy, and that's the way it should be. But, again, let's see what stance the Republicans take if one of Obama's aides says that Barack helped invent the iPod.
Good grief.
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