One bone of contention between Congress and the President, apparently, is a plan to reduce the pay of the executives who led their respective companies into this mess. How they hell can there be any question on this matter? Those guys should be happy they're not being put into the stocks so all the investors who are losing money left and right and all the taxpayers who will be paying for this bailout for many years while these ass clowns sip expensive brandy in their posh country clubs can throw rotted fruit and vegetables at them! Holy suffering Christ in a green hat!
I'm their defenders will be saying it's more complicated than that. But they are the leaders of their organizations and supposedly financial wizards. If that is true, how can they not know that lending money to people who don't have the wherewithal to pay it back is a bad idea? Even Cobb knows that, and he's no financial wizard. He can barely balance his checkbook.
These guys should be forced to work day and night to make up for what they've done. They should be forced to give up their hoity-toity lifestyles and pay the most of their personal fortunes to get the bailouts going. They need to take responsibility for their failures, just like they took ample rewards for manipulating the system to show short-term gains. If you do that, then I think you can pay them the generous salary of $30,000 a year so they can support themselves and their families.
But that will never happen. These so-called leaders are in the old boys' club, so they will get off with a slap on the wrist while us average joes take it up the ass yet again.
It says "In God We Trust" right on the money they squandered. Looks like we can't trust anyone else.
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