On business travel, my preference is to keep all charges on the company credit card. It's cleaner that way and I'm not worried about getting reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses. When I have to get to and from O'Hare in Chicago, I always cab it. When I order a cab, for pick up at home or in the cab line at O'Hare when I return, I make it known I am paying with a credit card.
What I have learned from experience is that they do take cards, but with a caveat: you have to listen to them bitch at you the entire ride. In fact on one occasion when I got in the cab at O'Hare and confirmed with the driver that I was paying with credit card, he responded with, "No. Cash." So I got out and got in the cab behind him.
This led to a huge scene in the cab line at the airport, with the guard who manages the line reprimanding the driver, who was now screaming at me through the window of the new cab I had just boarded. The new driver informed me that there is a problem with taxi drivers at the airports doing that, especially to people heading downtown, because the guess is that they are tourists or business travelers from out of town and will be intimidated by their tactics.
Sucks, doesn't it? I understand the plight of the cab driver, especially in this day when fuel prices are out of control, and anyone who knows me also knows I am a great cab patron and a heavy tipper. This may be a few isolated incidents, but my guess is that it really is not.
So to the Checker Cabs, Yellow Cabs, Wolley Cabs and Flash Cabs of the world, when you say you take credit cards, do so without obligation or guilt trips. After dealing with the airlines this year, the last thing any of us wants is more bullshit from someone.
How about a Fresca? Hm? Hm?
Judge Elihu Smails
1 comment:
I'm a Wolley Taxi driver and I GLADLY take credit cards. Here in Cleveland, city regulations require all taxis to accept credit cards, but I witness many refusals. I understand the reasons that they refuse- a wait for payment, 5% surcharge, a desire for cash- but I can't see refusing for those small issues. Besides, it's just unfriendly.
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