Remember eight years ago when an interviewer asked then candidate George Bush if he knew the capitol of some country, which Bush didn't? His response was to ask the interviewer if he knew. We see where that went.
Fast forward to last night, when Charlie Gibson asked Palin if she supports the Bush Doctrine. After stumbling over the question, she asked Gibson for clarification on the question. Clarification on what he meant by "support" would have been interesting, but in actuality she had no idea what the Bush Doctrine was. You are going to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and you don't even know what the Bush Doctrine is? He leads your friggin' party, lady!
Sadly, Smails isn't as mad at the cool-talking hockey mom who hid her pregnancy from the people of Alaska until two months before she was due, didn't tell anyone, including her kids, that her baby had Down's Syndrome, cooked the books by charging her taxpayers for time spent with hubby and kids, etc., etc., etc. Smails is pissed at the people who still support her. It absolutely terrifies me to think there are people in this country who are so set in their own labels, they refuse to look at the full picture.
What will be funny will be to watch how the media comes out in her defense, a line of defense that is going to weaken day by day. The more she is protected because of her sex, the less and less powerful or Barracuda-ish she will look.
But, hey, you voted for and re-elected the worst president in the history of our country. Why not try to one-up yourselves this time around. I will bring it down to brass tax. Ever see that episode of The Simpsons, where Homer and Burns are in a cabin that just got hit by an avalanche, leaving them under tons of snow? Homer opens one door and get bombarded with snow. So he goes to a window and again gets bombarded with snow. To try to make up for it, he climbs on top of the original pile of snow in front of the door and opens it again, only to--you got it--be bombarded by snow again.
Republicans, don't open the door again. Learn from your mistakes. Wait, let's make this easier for you to hear. You like good looking people. I present to you Matt Damon.
Hm? Hm? Alright!
Judge Elihu M. Smails
You are right, but Obama is just as scary and is not experienced enough to run this country. WE ARE SCREWED either way...you make me mad because you can't seem to apply your superb logic to both sides of the isle. Congress is just as responsible for the frickin' mess we are in, but you can't seem the be equally critical of both...so when you attack the Republicans and use a different litmus test for your party you lose the argument every time.
I appreciate your feedback and especially that you find my logic "superb," but we will have to agree to disagree on this one, because the idea of a blog/editorial/whatever is to be subjective. The attacks may appear--in their essence--to be targeted at Republicans, but what they are are shots across the bows of people whose views conflict with mine.
This post is just to say to people, "Hey, we've seen this before." I don't (Obama) endorse (Obama) any (Obama) candidate in particular (Obama), but if (Obama) I were, I would (Obama) probably pick the one (Obama) with the least amount (Obama) of political (Obama) baggage.
Playfully yours,
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