I am a pro-lifer, and have been since I have understood what that means, but I'm not hear to rag on the pro-choice sect. My beef is with the pro-life groupies who make it hard for even pro-lifers to agree with their tactics.
Obviously, the bombings of abortion clinics are horrible enough, but being in public relations myself, I'm taking them to task for their promotional initiatives.
Specifically, I am speaking of the disgusting posters that they use to try to persuade people not to have abortions. I am sure that I could have found some on the Internet to include in this post, but they are too horrible to look at.
Unfortunately for me, I was the victim of one of these pro-lifer efforts. Back in 2003, I was leaving work and walking to Union Station from the AON Center in Chicago. On the way there, an anti-abortion group had set up camp, erecting about a dozen different 2'x6' posters (approx.) showing various aborted fetuses (this was repeated on the same day the next two years, and I avoided the posters as much as possible).
They got their point across -- it was shocking and disgusting. But as a pro-lifer, I thought it was way too over the top, and attacked everyone in eyesight, not just the pro-choice group.
When I got home that night, I tried to tell my wife what I saw and I was brought to tears thinking about it -- and the same thing happened the next day when I tried to tell my colleague.
Aside from deaths in my family, that's the only time I have cried over the past ten years -- that's how terrible it was.
I understand having to drive the point home, but there has to be a better way than this. Instead of looking like a group of people who care about life and children, activists like this come across as crazed lunatics who don't care about life; just making sure everyone sees that they are activists.
I realize that a lot of people might disagree with me, but I think these people are insane (i.e. suck) and I wanted to get that off my chest.
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