Raised in the South, he had an innate hatred for blacks, and showed his true colors by being one of the few southerners who said he was fighting to maintain slavery. Meanwhile, at Fort Pillow he led an assault against unarmed black Union soldiers. He was tried and found innocent of war crimes, but many Confederate soldiers told a different story and spoke about the murders at the battle.
After the war, he continued his vengeance against the blacks by starting the Ku Klux Klan. Hatred of this level is incomprehensible to me, but what is even more galling is the fact that when our family vacationed in Pigeon Forge, TN, last year we passed through Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park. How on earth can tax dollars be used to support a park to honor such a despicable human being. I mean, when you go to Wisconsin, how would you feel if you crossed the Jeffrey Dahmer State Park, or what if the state of New York built a statue to commemorate David Berkowitz? Ludicrous, right? Well, that's the same thing that the state of Tennessee is doing by honoring this low life.
Nobody knows how many black people died at the hands of the Klan while Forrest was Grand Wizard, or exactly how many have died since he launched the Klan, but I'm guessing that its thousands of times more than the number of people killed by Dahmer and Berkowitz combined.
While Forrest is one of the worst human beings to ever walk the face of the earth, the state of Tennessee deserves some hate, too -- until they stop honoring him.
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