His M-O is that he comes in to someone's home or business and asks a question to determine if the people drinking Miller High Life actually appreciate that they are drinking beer, and are living said "high life."
In case you are stupid enough to fall for this scam: Just because someone works for the corporation that makes the product you purchased doesn't mean they have the right to confiscate it from you if they don't believe you have the proper amount of appreciation for it.
If that were the case, I would start going around to people's houses with a Microsoft shirt on, ask the homeowner if they know who the main character is in Tomb Raider, and if they don't know, I'll just take their Xbox 360 and walk out with it. Of course, if I did something like that, I would expect to either get shot in the back as I left the house, or to get a visit from the cops when I made it home.
Of course, I'm kidding around. I'm picking on the series of Miller High Life commercials that are written on this premise ... I just think the ad campaign sucks and is worthy of being blogged about on this post.
Does Miller really care who drinks their beer? I'm guessing their investors would love them to sell beer to anyone they can, even if they are underage or have been living on the streets for 25 years and don't have enough money to buy a day's meal, let alone a piece of the "high life."
I hope that in the next commercial in this series that this guy gets put behind bars, and Miller stops supporting corporate representatives who discriminate against their customers.
That's what I'm talking about!
1 comment:
well you did blog about it. high life: 1, RoadRage: 0.
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