While grabbing a bite to eat at the US Airways terminal food court, I wasn’t as much shocked to not be able to find a clean table to sit down and eat my lunch, but rather by the cockroaches crawling on the counter of one of the restaurants. Suffice it to say I am leaving LaGuardia hungry and a little creeped out.
How piss poor are your sanitary codes that roaches are crawling on the counter at one of your food court restaurants? If the little buggars have made it up to daylight and are scooting about the counter, God, what are things like under the floor, let alone back in the kitchen areas?
I wouldn’t be surprised to find roaches walking around with impunity at a third world airport, but at the number two airport in The Big Apple? Maybe LaGuardia is a third world airport.
On the flip side, I can probably thank LaGuardia, because after this showing, I will never eat airport food again, which can’t exactly be bad for my health.
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