Thursday, August 7, 2008

Watch where you're going, moron

Twice in the last week I have almost run over people with my while pulling through the parking lot at a gas station. One time the idiot was walking away from his car admiring it (I guess) with no thought that other people might have places to go and things to do. I hit my breaks in time to avoid embedding my car's logo in his backside.

The other time was two days ago at a Shell station. This time the guy was impatient and decided he was going to try to get in front of me to walk across before I could pull in front of him. Not a smooth move.

Let me tell you something people. I don't care what the law says about a pedestrian's right of way. In a confrontation between you and a one-ton pleasure machine, you are going to lose. Every time.

So get your heads out of your asses and watch where you're going. You'll thank me in the end.

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