A construction crew's in the building this month to work on a new office, so we have to deal with some extra traffic in the loo. That part's not too bad, I just go to the other floor if the stalls are taken. But, what got me today was when I walked in to the bathroom, one of the guys was just leaving the stall. He comes out, and just keeps walking -- no pit stop to wash his hands, just kept on going. Nice. So, now I'm forced to either stay in the bathroom until someone comes in and I can jump out while the door is open, or I have to grab some paper towels to pull open the door.
I don't understand how people can do that. They're in there wiping their ass, putting their fingers in one of the dirtiest places imaginable, then they don't have the common courtesy to simply wash their hands?
There's a law that employees in restaurants and stores must wash their hands before leaving the bathroom. I used to think why is there a law -- shouldn't people just assume that they should wash their hands rather than spread E. coli bacteria or some other disgusting germs? But now, I think I'm going to start lobbying for this to be a law everywhere. They should also install sensors on the door that won't allow you to vacate the premises unless you lave sus manos -- unless of course there's a fire.
Next time one of you have the feeling that you don't want to clean up after picking the corn from your ass, please have some decency and wash off last night's dinner before heading out to work, so I don't have to start wearing gloves everywhere I go.
For those of you who don't know how to properly wash your hands, enjoy this instructional video that I found on YouTube:
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