Score one more for the gun nuts. Grasping at a Constitutional amendment more than 200 years old and riding on the coattails of a gun nut in Antonin Scalia, the Supreme Court overturned a Washington, D.C., law banning the sale of handguns and assault rifles in the district, with the score 5-4.
Now that the trigger-heads got that one overruled, court papers are being filed in Chicago to overturn it's own handgun/assault rifle law. How did we celebrate in Chicago? With nine shootings in the city overnight. Beautiful.
The NRAers out there can come out and say this is why they need handguns. Really? Are you out there policing the streets and preventing the innocent bystanders--mostly kids--being caught in the crossfire? Nope. You're probably barricading your tiny-penis self in your basement with your gun collection, just waiting for the militia to be formed.
Guns are final. When someone gets into an altercation with someone and tempers flare out of control, a gun does not allow for cooler heads to prevail--it provides a cooler body to be tagged and bagged. What I fail to understand is just how influential gun lobbyists are with politicians and why regular Americans don't take a stand against these nimrods.
Sure, their high-priced attorneys and paid spokespeople are going to spin this as being an infringement on their Constitutional rights, but c'mon, people! The Constitution is one of the most outdated documents in the world. Even the smallest nonprofit organizations review their bylaws every one to two years and make adjustments for the times. When the Constitution was written, the right to bear arms was there because we were still a nation in its infancy and one pretty regularly under attack and without organized police patrols.
The most recent attacks on our homeland--911 and the oil lords regular rapings--couldn't have been prevented with handguns, and I am pretty certain we have police in just about every jurisdiction, even after Bush bankrupted all the states in 2001, forcing many police forces to be trimmed back. So, what's the militia for? Hm? Thought so.
As Chicago Mayor Richard Daley noted in a press briefing yesterday, isn't it interesting that you can't bring a gun into an airport, public building, on a bus, etc., but you can walk around the streets with one. For what? I guess as Homer would say, "Gotta shoot something."
So the next time we have a Columbine or Virgina Tech--those guns were obtained legally--remember our Supreme Court and the gun lobbyists who have bent over backwards to dishevel our nation and put us in harm's way.
In closing. Since Heston's hands are pretty much cold and dead, can I have his gun now? I may need it.
Just so you know, the following show legally purchased handguns and assault weapons and their aftermath. Ah, the Second Amendment....
Sure, their high-priced attorneys and paid spokespeople are going to spin this as being an infringement on their Constitutional rights, but c'mon, people! The Constitution is one of the most outdated documents in the world. Even the smallest nonprofit organizations review their bylaws every one to two years and make adjustments for the times. When the Constitution was written, the right to bear arms was there because we were still a nation in its infancy and one pretty regularly under attack and without organized police patrols.
The most recent attacks on our homeland--911 and the oil lords regular rapings--couldn't have been prevented with handguns, and I am pretty certain we have police in just about every jurisdiction, even after Bush bankrupted all the states in 2001, forcing many police forces to be trimmed back. So, what's the militia for? Hm? Thought so.
As Chicago Mayor Richard Daley noted in a press briefing yesterday, isn't it interesting that you can't bring a gun into an airport, public building, on a bus, etc., but you can walk around the streets with one. For what? I guess as Homer would say, "Gotta shoot something."
So the next time we have a Columbine or Virgina Tech--those guns were obtained legally--remember our Supreme Court and the gun lobbyists who have bent over backwards to dishevel our nation and put us in harm's way.
In closing. Since Heston's hands are pretty much cold and dead, can I have his gun now? I may need it.
Just so you know, the following show legally purchased handguns and assault weapons and their aftermath. Ah, the Second Amendment....

I wanted to leave this alone, but I just could not do it.
Your attitude toward the Constitution is right in line with those in Congress who are destroying our country because they do not follow it.
Criminals will always have guns.
The Second Amendment was a gift from the Founders to protect us from government. I do not understand why people in our country do not think revolts cannot happen here or that the government will not impede so fiercely on our freedoms or liberty that we may need to. I do not believe that something like this will happen soon, but it's better to have the tools and be prepared than to be a captive.
I agree that what is happening in Chicago is awful, but it's not happening everywhere. Making it illegal to have a gun in Chicago has not changed the culture of the areas effected by gun violence. What Chicago needs is more severe punishment for the gang members who are committing crimes. If these hoods assaulted someone on Federal Property or in a bank, they would be behind bars for a long, long time; that's not the case when they assault someone in their community.
Guns can be scary, but I trust that the Founders knew we needed an amendment to protect our new found liberties.
I think it's more than just the NRA and lobbyist who believe in the right to bear arms; my seventy-two year old mother does, who does not own gun, but knows well enough that it is an integral part of the United States as we know it.
You have got to be kidding! At least the Mayor is doing somethng! Would you prefer he twirl on this thumb up his ass than be pragmatic?
If you think the writers of the constitution had in mind what we do with guns today, pull your head out of the 18th century. People today do not use guns to protect themselves in a brave new world. They kill for gym shoes. They kill for walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk. They kill for drug turf.
Your argument is archaic "give me strength". The right to bear arms in the 21st century has absolutely nothing to do with the right to bear arms in the time of our forefathers. Find a new argument!
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