Are you ever driving down the highway, and you let a guy pull in front of you as he's leaving the local McDonald's? You're thinking you'll be nice and let him in before the long line of traffic behind you. You're thinking to yourself, "Yep, that's me ... God first, others second, me third." Then the SOB decides to go 15 miles under the speed limit and all you want to do is run him off the road.
That's the type of individual this site is dedicated to. Why do we have to put up with these morons? You run in to people like this every day, and as Moe Szyslak on The Simpsons would say, "It's all you can do to keep from stabbing the guy."
As I rather attack people with words, than knives, I decided to launch this blog to vent and to maintain my sanity. And, to save my identity from any of the nutjobs out there that I write about and might offend, I have assumed the pseudonym RoadRage.
My buddy will be contributing to this blog as well, since he has a similar contempt for the people who somehow have survived Darwinism without figuring out common sense, common courtesy and just being decent human beings.
Feel free to chime in on our posts, and share your stories about why People Suck!
1 comment:
I share your pain. This morning I was heading to a combination Shell station and McDonald's for a quick Bacon, Egg and Cheese biscuit on my way into work. First, some idiot in a white cube truck kept weaving in and out of traffic like he was driving a Corvette. He almost caused two accidents with his idiotic behavior.
When I finally got to the Shell station, the moron in an oversized SUV in front of me pulled in first, then stopped dead on the apron leading in. He apparently was having trouble figuring out which gas pump to go to as the station was crowded.
There was a landscaping truck with a trailer parked to our immediate right, and this jackass was stopped in the middle. There was nowhere for me to go. After waiting patiently for a few seconds for the idiot to do something (and getting no reward) I honked my horn. Nothing. He finally moved when another vehicle approached from the left, wanting to get out of the station. Of course, he jammed on the accelerator and went whipping around the pumps.
The DMV wastes it time testing people on the road. They should have them pull into crowded Shell stations and see what they do. If they stop dead in the middle, holding up everyone else, no license.
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