Well, much like a zoo, that song unfortunately describes the work place for some people.
For years, I worked with a great guy, but he never concerned himself with the fact that he was in mixed company when he would start scratching his balls. He'd be down there for minutes at a time, scratching and adjusting himself, whether there were women present, clients, or media for that matter.
How do you broach a subject like that when the guy doing it signs your paycheck? "Say boss, you're a great guy, but can you please stop spanking frank in front of our customers?"
It's a hard thing to do, and it makes the workplace suck. You and your colleagues start talking about it. You wonder if he notices he's doing it; you wonder how he couldn't notice after doing it for that long; then you wonder if he's thinks it's part of a mating ritual, since he seems to do it in front of the same women all the time.
If you're a perpetrator of this workplace crime, please be conscientious of your colleagues and employees, and hide yourself behind your big desk before you start working on getting Little Richard back in his proper place.
might not want to mention this one at the racetrack!
Man, this sounds eerily familiar. Add a statement about a chubby toady nearby and it would be spot-on for someone I think I know.
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