Hamilton did not lose three years of his career to cancer or a debilitating injury -- it was from a self-induced drug addiction. While it's hard to come out of the grips from an addiction, it always starts with individual choice. Hamilton made the choice to do drugs the first time, and eventually he became an addict.
It's an insult to put Hamilton in the same category as true sports heroes like Lance Armstrong, Alonzo Mourning, Andres Gallaraga, John Lester and others who beat cancer to come back and have an impact on their sport. They had no choice. They confronted a deadly disease, stared it down and came out on top.
Go ahead and applaud Hamilton for what he has done, and for his play on the field, but please don't hero worship him -- he doesn't deserve it.
I would have liked to know the drug.A few years back Brett Favre had a pain killer addiction thats not uncommon,he got treated and continued to play or start every game.If Hamilton was using "party drugs" lets see what the off season brings with the fame and fortune he is getting.Can he keep sober? If so then
great,he is still no hero.
I hear he still travels with personal babysitters. If that's the case, then based on the amount of drugs he was taking and the fact that drug use runs rampant in the sport, I would venture to guess a wagon with his name on it is waiting for him to fall.
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