Fine, Barack, don't kick Billary while she's down, but why are you playing politics now?
One of the reasons people are voting for Barack is his Jefferson Smith (reference: Mr. Smith Goes to Washington) quality. He's the anti-politician; he hasn't been in DC long enough to be corrupted by the other crooks that populate our nation's Capitol.
I guess that line of thinking is a little naive, but this feigned support for Hillary just rubbed me the wrong way. What's next? Red Sox fans embracing Yankee fans -- joining together in a rousing rendition of Kumbaya?
Hillary made her bed, now she should lie in it. Something tells me that she's not hurting for money, and that if she wants to go on a speaking tour that she can make up the money she lost in less than six months.
What scares me, is that I hope this buddy-buddy crap their playing off for the public doesn't lead to what they were calling the "Dream Ticket" of Barack and Hillary just a few months ago (remember when Hillary offered the vice presidency to Barack while she was trailing in the primaries -- classic).
Hillary on the Democratic ticket -- yeah, that's all I need is another reason not to vote.
Barack, do yourself a favor and separate yourself from the Clintons. You don't need them to get votes, and my guess is that you will alienate more voters than you attract if she is selected as your running mate.
Poor, Poor RoadRage,
Barack Obama is corrupt from being a politician in Illinois. He won his Illinois Senate seat by getting the incumbent thrown off the ballot. He is where he is today because of Emil Jones and the corrupt Chicago political machine. His new brand of politics is the same as the old brand. I understand that some person may have contributed to your initial attraction to Barack Obama, but if you look at his record and associations in Chicago it's different than the books he wants us to believe; the books he wrote.
I know how it feels to have people tell you something you just don't want to believe about a presidential candidate or about a President that you admire. We want to believe that our leaders care about something bigger than themselves; unfortunately nothing is bigger than a politician is to himself.
The only difference between Republicans and Democrats is the institutions who lobby them.
Sad, but true.
False about the ballot thing. Alice Palmer removed her name from the ballot that year to make a run for the Senate. She hand-picked Obama to replace her on the Illinois legislature ballot, which he did and then began his campaign for Illinois legislature.
When Palmer's Senate bid fell apart, she tried to get Obama to back out--thus Indian-giving the chance to run for the legislature. So he had two choices: 1) Back out; or 2) Fight.
He fought. Wouldn't anyone?
Every politician has some rich supporters connections to them, because without the money there is no way they would be able to compete in today's campaigning style, which costs hundreds of millions of dollars just to make it through the presidential primaries.
I agree with RoadRage that Obama should distance himself from the Clintons--especially Bill--at this point. Read nothing more of the olive branch being extended to Hillary than it being just that: a sign of unity in the party after a hotly contested campaign. Sure, the political pundits will have this and that to say about it, but no one knows for sure.
judge smails,
Read the link below. It confirms how Alice Palmer was taken off the ballot. My point is that Barack Obama is no different from any other politician.
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