A cute little kid comes in, waiting for her dad, and I'm in the middle of my workout; on my 19th lap. She comes over to grab the life saver and to get in the pool.
Dad comes in, and the little girl decides that the one place she wants to swim is right in the lane I'm in ... not the acre of water that is currently to my left. She throws the life saver right in my path and is getting ready to dive in.
I start swimming, thinking that pops will take the life saver out and bring her to the other side, but that's not the case. The genius seemingly thinks it will be fun to watch me swim around the life presever to see how his daughter will react.
Luckily, the kid has enough common sense not to jump right in, and then dad finally gets her on the other side of the pool, after I give him the, "Aren't you going to do something about this, you moron?" stare.
Then to top off my visit to the gym, one of the ever-present construction workers decides that this would be the perfect time to clear his throat and spit in the middle of the hall way. Good times ...
Great blog! I don't understand the spitting indoors thing AT ALL.
I agree with Road Rage. Great blog!
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