Remember when you were younger and you can just jump in the car with a group of friends and go for a long drive to discover new parts of the country you hadn't seen before? Or the summer family vacation where you would head across country to meet with family and friends.
Aunt RoadRage and I were talking about the rising oil prices the other day, and she brought this up to me. I hadn't even thought about it, but she's right.
When I was a kid, we used to always look forward to the rare trips we would take to our cousins' houses in Ohio and Michigan, and then when I was old enough to drive, my buddies and I would travel to different ball parks around the country; not only because we are huge baseball fans, but to experience what it was like in other cities, and to meet new people. (Boston was my favorite place to visit, by the way.)
Next month, my family is going to go to Myrtle Beach, and having to take the van, it will cost us more than $600 in gas. Facing that kind of gas bill, I'm pretty confident that this will be our last trip for a long time, and it's a shame.
I really gained an appreciation and sense of pride in our country from my experiences on the road, and it's upsetting that my kids won't get the same chance. And, this is all because hedge fund investors. oil industry leaders and politicians collude to make Americans think there is an oil supply shortage, so that they can line their pockets with the riches that high oil prices can bring. These people are really sucking the fun out of being an American, and whoever is elected this year has to turn things around.
What has been the biggest impact for you with the absurd cost of gas?
One of my most memorable trips was when my parents to the tribe cross country to the northwestern states and western Canada.I was going to be a freshman after that summer,so other things were on my mind than history,geography,and science.The 2 week trip had all off the above and much more and it was enjoyable,even the smell.So now not only is a trip like that out of the question,movies like Vacation will never be made because they won't be
believable.Thanks oil purchasers for bidding highest instead of lowest like the rest of us would
Yeah...a dead aunt on the roof of the old station wagon...Good times.
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