With the proliferation of the new-age hardware stores -- Home Depot, Menards, Lowe's, etc. -- you think that the best way for the old standbys like Ace and True Value to compete would be to hire competent staff. You'd think that, wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?
Well, that apparently is not the case for Ace Hardware. My wife went in to Ace tonight to pick up a spark plug for our lawn mower. Truth be told, I wouldn't know what spark plug to get for the mower either ... but these are paid professionals who earn the big bucks (upwords around $8.50/hour), because they have this hardware know-how.
Well, that apparently is not the case for Ace Hardware. My wife went in to Ace tonight to pick up a spark plug for our lawn mower. Truth be told, I wouldn't know what spark plug to get for the mower either ... but these are paid professionals who earn the big bucks (upwords around $8.50/hour), because they have this hardware know-how.
She first went to find the spark plug in the store, and the place was a mess. They didn't have the plug she needed, so she picked up the expensive, $10 version. She then went to the service desk to ask for assistance to see if she had other options, toting the manual for the mower that told her exactly which spark plug she needed. The service desk called for someone with expertise on the subject, and Joe called up front to say he'd be right up to "help."
Unfortunately, Joe didn't know the first thing about spark plugs. My wife showed him what she needed and he said he had to get "the book" to find out what plug she needed. A half hour later, Joe returns to tell her she needed the $10 spark plug she had in her hand. Gee, thanks Joe ... you're alright.
To top it off, she told Joe that her brother told her we needed a spark plug wrench, and she asked which one she should get. His response: "Where's your brother?" -- because he didn't know which one she should buy. My wife now says she's done with Ace.
Don't blame the behemoth hardware store for knocking the little guy out of business -- look within your company to see how you can improve in order to compete. I like old school hardware stores myself -- that is, if I am forced to go. But, why would you go to the little corner store if they don't have the helpful hardware man that John Madden promised me.
John Madden you suck!
1 comment:
did you hear about the PR guy who didn't know what an editorial calendar was?
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