I went and saw the movie Iron Man with my son tonight. It was a great flick, and can pretty much be enjoyed by everyone over nine or 10-years-old.
It reminded me, however, about the time I went with my buddy to see 300. I thought the movie was great, especially seeing it on the big IMAX screen. Unfortunately, I couldn't completely enjoy the movie because right before it started I saw a mom and dad bring in their seven kids (all under the age of ten) to watch the rated-R film.
It's not that I mind watching movies with kids in the theater -- there were plenty at Iron Man tonight. And, in fact, the kids at 300 were all pretty well behaved -- but that was probably due to the fact that they were seeing things they had never seen before -- men dying via decapitation, nudity, and graphic sex scenes.
I really had a problem with the kids being in the theater, because as you can see in the trailer it was clearly made for adults.
I'm 36 now, and maybe I'm just getting old, but to me, kids who aren't old enough to watch most shows on the FOX network, shouldn't be allowed into a movie like 300. So parents, when The Dark Knight comes out later this year, please leave the kiddies at home.
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