I'm surprised I haven't blogged about this yet ... but I was reminded this weekend why I hate public bathrooms so much.
I was at the mall with my son, and I really had to go. So, we found the closest bathroom.
There were five stalls, all open, so I thought my chances were pretty good that I'd find a clean porcelain gem to drop a deuce. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.
Toilet one was full, and two through five had so much urine splatter that I had to leave and find another bathroom in the mall (tip: Barnes and Noble stores almost always have the cleanest restrooms).
I can't understand why this happens. First off, there were also eight or nine urinals that could have been used. But, let's assume that they were all taken after a mad rush to Aunt Annie's Pretzels. Even then, why would someone take out their package and use it like a fire hose to make the bathroom unusable for the next guy?
Before you scumbags litter the men's room next time, try some target practice. Go to your backyard, bring a bucket out there, and if you can't take a leak without getting the handle wet, don't leave the house until you can control your bodily functions. Really, it's not that difficult. You know what else isn't that difficult? Flushing the damn toilet when you're done with it. You people make public restrooms suck!
gross. u sure carolyn didn't write this one?
My issue is with people who don't flush. Those people really suck!
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