While doing some research on the Veterans Administration's (VA) handling of returning vets dealing with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression and suicidal tendencies, I came across a news item and minutes from a recent hearing of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. The hearing included a scripted testimony from Norma Perez, who ran a VA PTSD program in Texas and was being questioned regarding a leaked email from her, in which she questioned the validity of veterans complaining of the disorder.
How sick is it that someone who is supposed to serve the veterans is not only questioning their reasoning for mental health coverage, but adding scrutiny to a group of men and women who are battling through the stigma of emotional disorders caused by war, to be treated and lead productive lives here at home?
Think what you may will about the reasons for invading Iraq and Afghanistan, there are American men and women dealing with the emotional battles of war on a regular basis, and when they return home, they should be given the coverage they deserve. The A in VA should be for Advocate, but instead, as this email attests, they are being treated like people trying to cheat an insurance system. To intentionally call on your staff to misdiagnose them is nothing short of treasonous and should result in an immediate discharge without pay and a trial with severe punishment, including imprisonment.
And don't stop there. Go higher. Go as high as you can--including the Secretary of Defense and President. If they were good managers, they would see a story like this and call their staff out on the carpet. But this administration is not about protecting its troops--they're about protecting themselves.
I'll give you asthma!
Judge Smails
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